Monday, July 6, 2015

Module 2 - Elements of Distance Education Diffusion - Global Diversity

Module 2 – Elements of Distance Education Diffusion – Global Diversity

Diversity:  the art of thinking independently together. ~ Malcolm Forbes

The biggest bonus of distance education versus face-to-face education is the global diversity component.  There are people from other countries attending in-person universities; however, in an online environment there is a bigger mix of individuals from around the world.  Students get the chance to interact and learn from a diverse group of people that they otherwise may not get to meet (Laureate Education, Inc., 2008).  I have attended both online and in-person colleges, and I can honestly say that I have met a more diverse group of people at my online college than the in-person college.

Before distance education became available, students would have to travel to the actual country for the chance to learn from their peers.   Now, people can learn from the comfort of their home.  Do not get me wrong there are benefits to traveling to a country in person.  One can experience the sights, sounds, smells, and interactions that online schools cannot provide.  However, e-learning provides students with a unique perspective of the world.  Online students get to learn about people from other cultures and life experiences. Students get to see that people from around the world have similar ideas despite their lifestyle or get to look at something in a different way due to the lifestyle differences. 

Students can interact with people from other countries due to the technology provided by the college.  Students interact on discussion boards and online forums.  Also, webinars are another excellent resource that students use to interact with their peers.  Finally, Skype can be an option to chat with other students.  In my experience, Skype has not been used in my classes.  Skype tends to be used more by instructors to talk with their students.


Laureate Education, Inc.  (2008).  Principles of distance education:  The future of distance education.  Baltimore, MD:  Author.

1 comment:

  1. I posted to the following blogs:

    Joshua Davenport (

    Naquai Roundtree (
