Sunday, August 16, 2015

Module 5 - Moving Toward Dynamic Technology

Tell me and I forget.  Teach me and I remember.  Involve me and I learn. ~ Benjamin Franklin

My concept map is meant to show how technology ranges from being completely static to completely dynamic.  For example, I placed books and peer-to-peer sharing at the static end; however, technologies such as blogs, wikis and discussion boards have static and dynamic characteristics (Moller, L., 2008).  Finally, activities such as virtual simulation, gaming, and multi-user environments are dynamic (Moller, L., 2008) and can be used to provide content, communication, or collaboration.

If I had to place myself on the "static-dynamic continuum" I would be in the middle.  I am relatively new to educational technology.  I tend to gravitate towards static technologies because that is what I have always used to learn.   I love reading, watching videos and listening to audio books.  All these activities are on the static end; however, as I take more classes at Walden University and learn about educational technology I am slowing moving to the dynamic end.

To become more comfortable with dynamic technologies, I plan to continue to learn and keep up-to-date with current trends in technology.   I think being knowledgeable about the technology that is available for learners is the most important measure I can take to incorporating dynamic technology into my classroom.  Furthermore, I plan to write my dissertation on the gamification of learning.   Gaming is considered a dynamic technology, so I am certain that by the time I earn my Ph.D., I will be just as comfortable with dynamic technology.


Moller, L.  (2008).  Static and dynamic technological tools [Unpublished paper].  Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. I replied to the following blogs:
    1. Tracy Nielson

    2. Naquai Roundtree
